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Bioactive Products
Cat. No. Information
CFN00377 Jaconine

Jaconine, jacoline,jacobine, and jacozine, the hepatotoxic alkaloids, are potentially carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic and may pose health hazards to the human consumer.
CFN00401 Petasitenine

Petasitenine has carcinogenic activity, it also has toxicity, the toxic effect will be developed in the tissues other than the liver or in the species apart from rodents.
CFN00421 Riddelline

Riddelline is a potent genotoxic agent in vitro and induces significant elevations in unscheduled DNA synthesis and S-phase synthesis in rat liver.
CFN90367 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate

12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate has skin tumor-promoting potential, it induces endogenous FBXO10 mRNA and FBXO10 protein in Jurkat cells, a human T cell line. It provokes cell motility through regulating the expression and function of S100A14 in a KLF4-dependent manner.
CFN90516 Aristolochic acid C

Aristolochic acid C could as the larval feeding stimulants.